Stage 1: Loving Well

Practice Practicing – And Avoid this Red Flag!

Sometimes it can feel wooden or unnatural when you begin to practice Listening with Empathy – Here’s why and what you can do about it! Also, avoid this one huge red flag if you want to have healthy relationships.

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    Stage 1: Loving Well

    Practice Listening to Non-Verbal Communication

    There is a common problem in communication that can make it challenging to be a good listener: people don’t always express their feelings directly. In this video Greg tells you one simple way to close that gap and become the kind of listener that helps people feel understood.

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      Stage 1: Loving Well

      Practice Eliminating Bad Habits (Part 1)

      Part of mastering any skill is unlearning bad habits. If you want to be a great listener, here are two bad habits to pay attention to and eliminate from your conversations.

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        Stage 1: Loving Well

        Practice Eliminating Bad Habits (Part 2)

        Part of mastering any skill is unlearning bad habits. If you want to be a great listener, here are two more bad habits to pay attention to and eliminate from you conversations.

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          Stage 1: Loving Well

          Practice Avoiding Toxic Conversations

          As important as it is to Listen with Empathy, there is one situation where using this skill can result in a toxic conversation. Learn what that is and how to steer clear of it.

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            Stage 1: Loving Well

            Practice Distinguishing Between Thoughts and Feelings

            When we fail to distinguish between thoughts and feelings, our conversations can become very confusing and even manipulative. Learn why that is and what you can do to keep your conversations healthy and connecting.

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              Stage 1: Loving Well

              Practice Being Curious Instead of Critical

              How do you connect with someone when their emotions seem to make no sense to you? Here’s a simple step to practice that will help you do just that!

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                Stage 1: Loving Well

                Practice Listening When You Disagree

                One of the most important relationship tools is also one we have the hardest time using. We can often struggle to take other’s emotions seriously when we disagree with their thinking. In this video Greg introduces a new tool called Validation, why we struggle to use it, and how Validation helps us to build stronger relationships even when we disagree with how people are thinking.

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                  Stage 1: Loving Well

                  Practice Validating Others’ Emotions

                  You are either the person that people want to open up to, or you are the person they tend to clam up around. Which reaction you get is no accident. How do you become the person that people are eager to connect with and share the important things going on in their lives.

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                    Stage 1: Loving Well

                    Practice Validating While Setting Boundaries

                    Is it healthy to validate someone’s emotions when they are connected to behavior that we disapprove of? There are two ways we can get this wrong that do not help grow strong relationships, but there is also a way we can act in these moments that can help relationships thrive.

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